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Please pray for an increase in Bible-believing campus ministries and God’s favor for them to reach thousands of students with the Gospel.

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
(1 Cor 10:12-13)

Video: Real Hope on Campus

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InterVarsity announces today that the campus ministry will focus on establishing Christian fellowships on 2,500 college campuses in the next 12 years.

As more than 1,500 InterVarsity campus staff ministers, along with student and faculty leaders, return to campuses this fall, their focus is on the 2030 Calling, which states: Longing for revival, we catalyze movements that call every corner of every campus to follow Jesus.

“We want to see a witnessing community on all 2,500 US campuses with 1,000 students or more by the year 2030,” says InterVarsity President Tom Lin. “Right now, 53 percent of those 2,500 campuses do not have any known Christian ministry. We have seen that college students are still looking for hope and significance for their lives. In fact, the last 10 years have been among the most fruitful in InterVarsity’s 77-year history.”

Of the 20 million students in college right now, nearly one-third have no religious affiliation or identify as atheist, agnostic, or of no religion. To reach more of these students, InterVarsity plans to accelerate the planting of new chapters throughout the country, partnering with other campus ministries as well as churches, volunteers, and InterVarsity alumni. In addition, InterVarsity is uniquely positioned to reach faculty members because of the nearly 2,000 faculty on campuses across the country involved with InterVarsity in the 2017–2018 academic year.

“The 2030 Calling represents a new shift in how InterVarsity approaches campus ministry,” Lin says. “More than ever before, InterVarsity is inviting partners from every part of God’s kingdom to participate in his work among students and faculty. This is not about planting InterVarsity’s flag on every campus; it’s about declaring God’s glory on every campus.”

InterVarsity has chapters in all 50 states, on a total of 695 campuses. A recent highlight is the relocation of InterVarsity staff from Los Angeles to revive campus ministry along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana.

“We believe the Lord can use us, in partnership with others, to bring a powerful movement of the Spirit among a new generation of students and faculty,” Lin says. “We truly are longing for revival on campus. And we believe that, in the next 12 years, that’s exactly what God will do through the 2030 Calling.”

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is an interdenominational ministry to students and faculty on US college and university campuses, as well as the publisher of award-winning books on the Christian faith through InterVarsity Press. InterVarsity is a founding member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, advancing Christian student work in more than 160 countries. InterVarsity is also a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. (

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Donna L
August 29, 2018

Father, I pray you bestow supernatural favor on the young warriors and ministers, surround them with your protection as they endeavor to take back what satan has stolen through lies and deception. Lord, I ask you to put hunger in the hearts of students, questions and curiosity in their minds about You, thirst for knowledge of You, Lord, and a desire to seek the truth. Send your ministering angels ahead to prepare their way as we pray to break up the fallow ground into which seeds of the gospel can fall and find root, spring up and grow strong under your watering of the word Lord God Almighty. Father, I also ask for signs and wonders in the Name of Jesus, give these young ministers faith and courage to believe you for miracles to show those being ministered to, that You are Who You say You are and will do what You say. Lord, I ask that all the gifts of the Spirit would operate through them and they all be filled with the Holy Spirit. In that Matchless Name of Jesus the Christ, I ask these things. May they be done for Your glory, Most High God.

Deborah Lemons
August 29, 2018

Lord I pray for a mighty working through the Christian Intervarsity organizations and they will be welcomed and able to expand onto campuses around America, around the world for a power against satan and evil, against confusion in the mind. I pray Lord for my granddaughters to find groups of like faith, for strength and growth. God Bless, guide and use those leading these organizations; empower, embolden and protect those who lead, those who seek and those whose open their hearts and get involved. Lord God, we thank you for the presence and working of your Holy Spirit and for Jesus who made atonement for all. In the name and power of Jesus we pray. Amen

Felicia Penner
August 28, 2018

Who has been lied to more than this generation, Lord, speak to those who have been made numb by coercion and deception, speak tenderly to them and woo them to the truth which will then lead them to Jesus. Go before these ministers of faith and make their efforts fruitful for your kingdom and the sake of these young adults. In Jesus name, Amen

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