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Pray for an increase in understanding and forbearance for those with differing views from your own. To understand some of the deeper issues at stake in the Jack Phillips case, pray through our prayer guide, An Unholy Matrimony. Click HERE for a free download.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Ex 20:16)

Vox may still be keeping up its risible just-the-facts posturing, but it is tendentious to the point of dishonesty: “Colorado baker who refused to serve gay couple now wants to refuse to serve transgender person,” it says.

That is not true, of course. (But everybody knows that.)

Phillips serves customers of all sorts, including homosexual customers. What he declines to do is to make cakes for certain events, participation in which, even as a vendor, would violate his conscience. As he put it: “I serve everybody. It’s just that I don’t create cakes for every occasion.”

Phillips has been prosecuted under a civil-rights law, but this is not really a case about civil rights: It is a case about compulsion.

After winning his case at the Supreme Court, Phillips was again targeted by Colorado activists, one of whom asked him to make a cake to celebrate coming out as transgender. Phillips declined, and was ordered to the state to compulsory mediation. He is countersuing….

This all began with the best of intentions….

Sexual minorities have faced their share of discrimination, too. President Lyndon Johnson, at the very moment he was positioning himself as a civil-rights champion, described homosexuality as a “sickness and disease.” The public-accommodations burden did not lie quite so heavily on homosexuals as it did on African Americans, if only because a gay man could buy a train ticket or rent a hotel room without announcing his sexuality. But just as black Americans had their “Green Book,” a catalogue of restaurants and hotels open to them, gay Americans also had their guides to safe and friendly places, the first of which was published in that very busy year, 1964….

The same cannot be said of Jack Phillips and his little bakery. No gay couple seeking a wedding cake is going to have to travel three states away to find one if Phillips declines their custom. No transgender person celebrating a coming out is going to want for baked goods if Phillips refuses service.

Everybody knows this. The activists targeting Phillips do not care. The point is not to see to it that gay and transgender people can live their lives as they wish to — the point is to coerce Jack Phillips into conformity….

Liberalism has always struggled to balance the protection of minority rights against majoritarian institutions and — less often appreciated — the protection of individual rights. The American Left has liberated itself from such considerations by abandoning liberalism for identity politics and a might-makes-right ethic. Why compel Jack Phillips to knuckle under? Because you can, and because you hate him. Hate is an inescapable part of tribalism, and hate is now the single most important organizing principle of the American Left….  (Excerpts from Kevin D. Williamson article in National Review. Click to read this thoughtful article in its entirety.)

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Felicia Penner
August 28, 2018

Father we do lift to you in prayer this alarming truth that liberalism has now turned into tribalism and what is being wielded is hate. Lord we know hate is the work of the enemy of all human souls. We also know that the Supreme Court turned a corner and is bringing us back to Constitutional sanity with the positive outcome of the Bakers case. So we ask that this would not be overturned by the new Transgender case with the Baker, and we also pray more and more “walk away” ers would happen as the left becomes more and more violent and that the left loses it’s political base. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Deborah Lemons
August 26, 2018

Heavenly Father and God Almighty, let your power and spirit be known, be a hedge against the enemy, be working in these attacks against your people, your children. Empower the believers with strength, courage and faith.

Lord God, I stand in agreement and concurrence with the aforementioned prayers of Mrs. PD, Donna L and Betty B for a mighty working of your spirit and your powers for those being attacked and against the attackers and the powers of satan.

Thank you Lord, for those who stand strong, for your word and your spirit that you give to guide us, to empower us and to free us. May this case of Jack Phillips be a flagship of faith, of truth and witness to Jesus Christ and his love, his atoning power and grace. Thank you oh God, as we pray in the name and power of Jesus, the Christ.

Betty B
August 25, 2018

Thank You, Lord for all that You did for Jack when he was attacked by the same sex couple who wanted him to bake a wedding cake for them. Father, again he is being attacked by another person who doesn’t believe Your Word. May Jack’s strong stand be a witness for You.
I come in agreement with the prayers prayed by Mrs. PD & Donna. Father Your Word tells us that there is power in agreement, so I agree with them that You will send Your holy angels to surround Jack, his business, & his family. That those who come into his shop that don’t know You will come to know You as Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Restorer, & Transformer. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

August 25, 2018

Amen! Well said Mrs PD, inspiring prayer.

Donna L
August 24, 2018

Father, Abba, I ask you to surround Jack Phillips and his bakery with your Angels and Your Holy Spirit, annoint his place of business so that all who cross his door is ministered to and sense the presence of Your annointing. Stop, the accusers and persecutors and give him peace and assurance of Your Hand upon him. I ask you to annoint each product prepared by the hands of annointed bakers and let each person who partakes be healed, enlightened and convicted of their need to know you. In The Name of Jesus, Yeshua, I pray. Thank you for hearing and answering, Lord. Amen, so be it!

Mrs PD
August 24, 2018

As Christians, we need to pray for the “bullies” as well. First Corinthians 2:14 states: The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. Therefore, Father, in OBEDIENCE to Your Word, we choose to bless those who curse us and to do good to those who hate us and pray for those who despitefully use us (or try to) and persecute us. Father, we know that only through Your intervention will those who have been blinded by the defeated foe come to know Truth as they see it in the lives of those of us who claim You as LORD. Father, help each of us to lay aside our foolish old habits and embrace the Truth that all things in our lives have been made new. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your transforming power that is actively working in our lives to conform us to the image of JESUS, the Anointed SON of GOD. Father, we desire more than anything else in our lives to KNOW YOU and to make Your glory known by the good works in which You have ordained us to walk. We surrender to Your greater wisdom, will and ways and cherish the great sacrifice You have made that ALL men might know You and embrace You as LORD and Savior. We have responded to Your call and desire to re-present You well. May You be greatly magnified through Your body. With love, honor, appreciation and adoration for You we pray. Amen.

Arthur Sanborn
August 24, 2018

The Bullies just can’t stand to see a person with a moral backbone. Praying for you Jack!

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