I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would expose groups like Arabella. Prevent the flow of dark money through American politics, Lord.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The American political landscape has no place for dark money like this. Let’s pray that all other groups like Arabella are exposed.

From Capital Research Center. The country’s largest and perhaps most influential “dark money” network pulled in nearly $1.6 billion in 2021, according to new IRS filings, a mere $148 million drop from the record $1.7 billion in revenues it posted in 2020.

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At the top of this nonprofit network is, Arabella Advisors, a for-profit consultancy that advises foundations and donors on grantmaking to left-of-center political causes. The Capital Research Center was the first to expose Arabella’s massive nonprofit apparatus in early 2019, which has since become the poster child for anonymous spending in America’s top political fights. Since then we’ve identified hundreds of Arabella-run “pop-up” groups, as well as attack campaigns launched from the company’s offices under the aegis of its various nonprofits.

Possibly the network’s financial decline from 2020 may suggest that the Arabella network has peaked, considering its steady growth year-after-year starting in 2006. On the other hand, the small decline in revenues may just reflect left-wing donors’ slightly diminished political enthusiasm in an off-year, versus a presidential year, especially after the network’s 2020 revenues grew by 136 percent—over $1 billion—over the previous year. We won’t know until the network releases its 2022 disclosures next year, which will shed some light on its political activities during the recent midterm elections.

New Venture Fund

The largest 501(c)(3) in the Arabella network is also its oldest: New Venture Fund (formerly the Arabella Legacy Fund), is responsible for 60 percent ($964 million) of the network’s total revenues in 2021 alone.

Notably, New Venture paid Arabella Advisors nearly $30 million for management services in 2021; it paid another $2 million to BerlinRosen, a public relations firm servicing Democratic campaigns and leftist groups such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

While (c)(3) groups aren’t required to disclose their donors’ names, they must report the donation sums. New Venture’s top donor gave it an impressive $120 million. The next-highest gave it $103 million, followed by seven(!) donations of $10,000,000 or more. The smallest posted anonymous contribution was $20 million.

New Venture funneled grants to hundreds of left-wing groups in 2021, including:

New Venture also shuffled money to a handful of its “sister” nonprofits managed by Arabella …

Sixteen Thirty Fund

Arabella’s Sixteen Thirty Fund is the largest and oldest 501(c)(4) in the network. In 2021, it reported $191 million in revenues and paid the company $5.2 million in consulting fees. …

Major grants from Sixteen Thirty Fund include:

The grants from the Sixteen Thirty and New Venture Funds to Demand Justice and its various arms also call into question Arabella Advisors’ claim earlier this year that it “does not work for Demand Justice in any capacity,” calling it a “completely independent nonprofit organization.” What American believes that, when Group A receives millions of dollars from Group B, the two groups are perfectly independent? …

What do you think of Arabella? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Capital Research Center. Photo Credit: Aidan Bartos on Unsplash)

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Nancy Riley
November 24, 2022

No wonder America is in trouble, as I total the list of leftist organizations to bring about our
collaspe. Praying against this evil stronghold on America. Let the tide turn, as people wake up
to our idols and addictions. Let us return to our heritage and covenant with GOD on the throne!
[email protected]

Darlene Estlow
November 23, 2022

In all this, we have to pray and trust God for corruption and dark money to stop.


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