I Prayed have prayed
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Trea Claudelle Anderson
November 20, 2022

To whom it may concern,
Husslaz Faith WhiteHouse 🤲 Leader
Is in school prayer at all please and thank you.
God bless sincerely , truly yours,
Trea Claudelle Anderson

Betsy West
November 20, 2022

Last night when I went to bed there rose up a loud rushing sound outside. Initially, I thought it was a neighbor running some new piece of equipment. Then I realized that it was the sound of a very strong wind coming closer and closer. It roared.
This went on intermittently through the night but finally as I lay there awakened by this odd situation, I realized that the wind seemed to go all around our property but not against our house. The Lord spoke to my heart that just as the great shaking was coming upon this Nation that those who are His would experience His protection and will stand. The storm will rage around us but if we keep our eyes on Jesus we will indeed see His power and strength.

Donald Vader
November 20, 2022

Father God, we put all our trust in you to reveal what is not righteous in our bank’s businesses and government to expose it all and help us in the kingdom to make the changes that are necessary according to your plan to make things right for this nation and all the nations through your word and your ways to guide us and it shall be done in the mighty name of Jesus and glory to you God…Amen and thank you Lord for this mighty victory in your name! Amen

November 20, 2022

Jesus, I am so thankful for those that lend to the poor, and bless these places with Peace (prosperity without sorrow, health and wholeness for them and their whole family). Amen! Place Your Holy Spirit in them and me and point our feet in the way they should go!


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