I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would undo the moral reversal of America. Preserve our Christian values and heritage, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our nation has faced moral decay, and the erasure of Christianity has accelerated the process. We must pray.

From WORLD. Perhaps it’s my relative youth showing, or what C.S. Lewis referred to as “chronological snobbery,” but surveying the surrounding culture and observing the increasing polarity of our national debates, I often think to myself, “have things ever been so cataclysmically strange?” There is a general sentiment I hear expressed by people from all walks of life, some even much older than myself. I talk to so many who perceive the moral disarray and fragmentation of America with disbelief and shock.

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I don’t arrive at this perspective by comparing the supposedly halcyon days of the 1950s to 2022. No, I’m fine to compare this to a year as recent as even 2008, the year I graduated from college. …

What would have been revolutionary in 2008, like “gay marriage,” seems almost “traditional” to many Americans in 2022, by the sheer force of its cultural normalization in America. …

The surrealism of our simmering unrest is explainable, I think, in the near total collapse of Christianity as America’s underlying public ethic. … What I’m observing is the final stripping away over the last few years of the last thin layer of Christian veneer. No secularist will say this out loud, of course. …

Tragic as this is (and it is tragic), stripping away the dross does at least allow wildly divergent views on the world to surface in full force. Are you for lethal violence toward unborn human beings, or aren’t you? Unabashed honesty that comes from staring down the secular abyss will at least allow Americans to choose whose vision they think best comports with human flourishing.

Americans are growing more honest about the different moral universes they occupy. We should not be surprised when those universes come into conflict and test whether the democratic experiment can persist without a thick moral vision anchoring it. The debates that Christians are having about the durability of liberal democracy stem from the question of whether liberal democracy can persist as the moral worldview once supporting it—that is, Christianity—is denied. I do not believe that it can.

In fact, I want to be even clearer about that: America’s future must be grounded in transcendent truth or else cultural demise is a certainty. …

How are you praying for America? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Canva)

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November 7, 2022

Apart from God we can do nothing and all is vanity. Lord help our nation understand this. You are the Absolute Truth our moral foundation.

November 6, 2022

I believe it’s been a serious WAKE-UP call to those of us who name the name of Christ…a call to the church to put on the FULL armor of God from the OFFENSE stance in the battle….To proclaim His TRUTH boldly through the POWER of His Spirit IN LOVE and to LIVE a life that honors God in every way. Then, the depravity of each man’s soul will be self-evident, and the billion-soul harvest will begin! Hallelujah! ​
JESUS is the ONLY way to God, the ONLY TRUTH and the ONLY LIFE that is worth living for.

    November 6, 2022

    Very very well said Barbara !! It is a time that it is so critical that we take th OFFENSIVE or our demise will b complete.
    Father -shoulder to shoulder we advance in this spiritual battle ,we fast, we stand firm on our knees and we shout JESUS!!!!!

Ken Rumbarger
November 6, 2022

I have also been wondering why the Lord has permitted the abrupt increase of chaos in the last couple of years and the success of the current immoral, dishonest and bungling administration. It is the unwanted flip side of believing that He is still sovereign and has not lost control. The possibility that the end times draw increasingly nearer looms large. Or is it just Acts 17:26, namely that the “times appointed” for our admitted social experiment are ending and we have in fact kept it going so long that the end must now be abrupt? We are left having to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. We have no clear scriptural statement that our defeat is sure. Thus we still have the mandate to “occupy until I come.” Esther and Mordecai acted in faith and thus rescued God’s people when their demise was decreed by the world’s foremost monarch. We don’t know what tomorrow may bring and that cuts both ways.

November 6, 2022

Just thinking……… Maybe the term christianity needs flushing. The term christianity has taken on different meanings and by some’s definition including almost everyone.
My-father-in law said he was a christian because he was born in america, but is that true? Did not Jesus say, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14).
Christianity encompasses more than just being a moral person or attending a “christian” church. A follower of Christ means a selfless relationship with the Father because of the actions of His Son.
How Christian is America really?
What say you?

    November 6, 2022

    Rich…. In that respect you are absolutely correct!! Those of you who are like me -a senior- hv spent a lifetime goin to church with fellow Americans who are completely satisfied that their requirements fr salvation are rock solid. And now those “requirements “ are more compromised than when the Israelites danced around Joshua’s golden calf!! …. It’s time to hit our knees is what it is !!

November 6, 2022

Father God I lift up every Christian in the United States of America in the churches we need to step out and be bold and courageous and speak love to this world that is seeking for something we can’t expect you to do all the work we need to do the work that’s why we are Christian father God you are definitely on the move you’re making your scripture about people looking like fools it’s coming to fruition people can no longer continue to be evil without repercussion good father God you are definitely in charge and if people would open up their spiritual eyes they would know it is time to intercede with you and make these things that are not correct right and defend unborn babies our children in school even if they’re not our children and anything else that does not settle well with our spirit Lord wake us up because you definitely want us to do something in Jesus name I pray


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