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Father, we ask that you bless Biden and do not let him be manipulated in his weaker moments.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yet another instance showing Biden’s age reminds us again that we need to pray for our president and pray that he is not taken advantage of.

From The Federalist. President Joe Biden appeared to suffer an awkward nap attack during an MSNBC interview that aired Friday, in just the most recent example of the president’s dangerous cognitive decline (and of the corporate press totally ignoring that it happened).

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In a conversation with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart about (ironically) his plans to run for a second term, Biden’s eyelids drooped and he started nodding off, creating an embarrassing pause. It prompted Capehart to smile awkwardly and say “Mr. President…” and then “ope!” as Biden’s eyes fluttered open. …

It’s not the first time Biden has appeared to fall asleep in the course of his presidential duties. In a July summit in Saudi Arabia, he was caught on video in what looked like an incident of catching Zs during a speech by Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. …

Watch him at the 20:12 minute mark: …


During a climate summit in November 2021, Biden’s nap was so obvious even the corporate media couldn’t explain it away.

Biden’s track record notwithstanding, regime-loyal media were happy to bury the story of his most recent televised gaffe, ignoring the president’s cognitive deterioration after spending four years screeching about his predecessor’s mental state based on far flimsier evidence.

Here’s how the propagandists at The Washington Post covered the exchange:

When asked if the first lady supports a 2024 run, Biden nodded and paused before providing a full answer. ‘My wife thinks that we’re doing something very important and that I shouldn’t walk away from it,’ he said.

The article even admitted that Biden “was the oldest person to be sworn into office [and] has faced questions from his own party about whether he should seek reelection, due [partly] to his age,” but then proceeded to explain why “the reemergence of former president Donald Trump” necessitated another Biden run. ...

How are you praying for President Biden? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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October 30, 2022

join the bidden prayer and WhatsApp group today +5313332254

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 30, 2022

I think that the use of Biden to push the Leftist agenda, is pure Adult Sr. Abuse. He is not capable of monitoring a Country and the puppeteers are doing a Big Sin in their treatments with him or they are cheating/stealing to make it their way not His. Isn’t that called Illegal/ Crime with someone else’s name attached to the Bills, Mandates etc. NONE of these Bills, laws should hold any power because they do have a honest name attached to any documents that have been put forth. Leviticus- 6: 7 God explains that this manipulation is a form of a sin against God. Even if you borrow something or a person uses something without permission and deceitfully used this action it is a sin. God says the person doing the wrong must “ make restitution in Full! Matthew:-18-8,9 “ Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble such things must come, “ but woe to the person through whom are they to come” ☝️I believe the root of this failure is our daily connection with God. Our Nation is in trouble if we do not commit to be involved, pray for our Senators, Congress, Gov. Pastors/ Churches, to find boldness and open eyes to rally in unity to fight to Stop 🛑 this cruelty and destruction of sin. These are spiritual wars to defeat. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ASAP not next week. God is going to expose many will be shocked🥹😮😧

Denice Haley
October 29, 2022

I believe as a fraudulent “President” and all the sin he and his family have and are committing, God has given his mind over like He did to King Saul. My Mr. Biden, his family, and we all repent of the evil we’ve allowed to happen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Roxanne Rice
October 26, 2022

It deeply saddens me to watch Mr. Biden stumble, nod off, and make gibberish statements. My heart goes out to him. He obviously has no idea what he is doing or saying, and is being used and manipulated by those around him. I cannot imagine why his own wife doesn’t protect him! Some people will do anything for power. God is watching, and will “reward” them as their deeds deserve.

Gracious Father, please watch over Mr. Biden and deliver him from those who are using and abusing him for their own political ends. While I do not believe he is a legitimate president, I hate to see anyone with cognitive disabilities being put in a position to be ridiculed. It is elder abuse, and I pray that it will be prosecuted.

In the meantime, Father, protect this nation from the destructive policies that are being thrust upon us all. Deliver us from the demonic agenda that is behind all this, and grant us a godly nation again. Let us once again be a beacon of hope and a launching pad for the gospel going into the whole earth. In the authority of Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen!

October 26, 2022

If you checked out any of the election debates in the various states lately, you can clearly see how the Republican candidates had a clear advantage in being more articulate, impressive and persuasive. It almost seemed that they had a special anointing for this challenge and when they opened their mouths the Holy Ghost filled it. The other party appeared confused at times, mumbling and stumbling tongue-tied and often repeating themselves.

Father God, your Word states that your enemies will stumble (Jeremiah 20:11) and their confusion will not be forgotten. In Ps. 55:9 the writer asks that you confuse and divide their tongues. Furthermore, in Deut. 28:28, your Word says that you will send upon them confusion and rebuke them on account of their evil deed

May your people (Believers) turn out to the polls in record numbers. May your army angels disrupt and dismount any strategies the enemies is attempting to operationalize in order to corrupt the election. May the ballots of your people count in heaven as to what the destiny of this nation will be. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Sue Tracy
October 26, 2022

Father we ask that you would not allow President Biden to be manipulated for wrong but allow him to be used by You for the benefit of all in mighty ways.

October 26, 2022

While I understand the need—actually, the injunction—that we pray for those who are in office and, therefore, the “need” to propose the following petition language, “Father, we ask that you bless Biden and do not let him be manipulated in his weaker moments…” but given the circumstances and apparent facts of the 2020 election, to the effect that actual fraud was committed (JRB being at least the consenting or unwitting beneficiary of such fraud), might it not behoove IFA to include a blurb to that effect. I might suggest a re-worked imprecatory prayer such as:
Father, we ask that you not permit Biden to be manipulated in his weaker moments to the detriment of the United States…”; notwithstanding, increase his cognitive abilities (if need be), that even he can consciously realize that he is a fraudulently elected president and that he have the courage to resign from office (taking Kamala Harris with her) and admit his wrongdoing, including but not limited to his corruption (taking large sums of money from China and other entities, directly or through the conduit of his son, Hunter), violation of federal laws, including allowing our borders to be as porous as they are, etc., etc., and consent to be charged and stand trial.


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