I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would prevent our President from misusing our oil reserves. Keep us safe, Lord, and give us leaders with your wisdom.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As Americans struggle to pay for gas, the politicization of our oil reserves is the last thing we need. Let’s pray.

From The Federalist. Gasoline prices will soar after the Democrats’ midterm shellacking. Why? Power. For many politicians, as well as parties, the point of power is power.

Who is praying on the wall?


Biden campaigned against American oil and gas, saying he would “end fossil fuels” with no more pipelines and “no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling, including offshore, no ability for the industry to continue to drill.” …

Meanwhile, Biden’s allies in woke finance are working to dry up the capital needed to find more oil and gas and then produce and refine it. As a result, America is producing about 1 million barrels a day less oil than it did under former President Donald Trump (before the onset of Covid-19).

Strategic Reserve Low

Coincidentally, that 1-million-barrel shortfall is about the same amount of oil Biden has been withdrawing from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

Congress created the SPR in 1975 after the oil shocks of the 1970s led to gas lines and stagflation. Situated underground in giant caverns associated with salt domes in Louisiana and Texas, the SPR was rapidly filled to about 600 million barrels by 1990. It reached its maximum capacity of 714 million barrels during the Great Recession …

But since Biden’s election — and especially since the White House announced an accelerated draw down of the SPR on Nov. 23, 2021 — the oil in the SPR has plummeted to levels not seen since 1984, shortly after the storage caverns became operational. …

Presidential Approval Tied to Gas Prices

Not surprisingly, an administration whose chief declared war on American-made energy well before inauguration presided over a steady increase in the price of gasoline.

By November, with the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline having increased steadily over the past 11 months from $2.20 to $3.40, or 55 percent, the Biden team was panicking as the presidential job approval deficit hit a negative 12.1 percentage points. The irony, of course, is that the price of energy was merely reacting to Biden’s own policies. …

Thus, on Nov. 23, 2021, as Biden’s approval ratings had precipitously declined for six months, the White House announced a greatly accelerated drawdown of the SPR. Almost immediately, there was relief at the pump and the Biden job approval rating saw a jolt upward — for a month. …

Using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Politically

So, where do we go from here? If Biden has been drawing down the SPR for crass partisan purposes, transmogrifying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve into the Strategic Political Reserve, what might he do after Nov. 8 when the Democrats may lose both the House and the Senate as well as some governorships and state legislative chambers?

To see how Biden might use the awesome, market-shaping power of the SPR, we must look at how it’s been abused so far: not as a store of energy to mitigate the effects of another Arab oil embargo, nor in the event of a major war, but to purchase political popularity. …

Should the SPR draws stop, or … shift back to refilling the reserves, what would happen? Oil prices would immediately spike, with gasoline prices following quickly. Democrats would start attacking “greedy Big Oil” and would introduce so-called windfall profits taxes, propose a ban on the export of American oil and gas, and call for hearings on oil industry collusion. …

Lastly, as gasoline prices pushed through $6, $7, or even $8 a gallon, Biden’s team would be at first quietly, then openly, touting the “transition” to green energy. “Don’t want to pay $8 a gallon for gas? Buy an electric car (with a made-in-China battery)!” they’d say. …

What do you think of Biden’s usage of the SPR? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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October 20, 2022

Adonai, We come before you in humility and ask for forgiveness for allowing the evil to creep in to our country. We thank you for your wisdom and will laid out in Psalm 37 and throughout your word. We ask that you would turn the hearts of those in power to YOU and that they would come to truly know you as their Lord and Savior, and they would see YOUR light and love for them, their families and our whole country and into the world at large! In the name above all names, Jesus Christ, we pray!

October 20, 2022

Why would anyone ask this question? Biden wants America destroyed! The question that every Christian, every Conservative, and every Patriot should be asking is Why is Joe biden still in the white house when he cheated and stole the office? Why have we not sued to get him out? Or physically put him out? The kingdom of GOD suffers violence and the violent take it by force! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround the white house and physically remove Joe Biden and every last one of his staff from the office they cheated and stole in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Cynthia Weatherwax
October 19, 2022

It takes fossil fuels to make electronic cars. The Biden Administration I believe seeks to control of all our lives period. Power is all their after and could care a less about the American people our freedom to worship our Lord and Savior. However as we continue to pray forth and engage in spiritual warfare the battle is the Lord’s amen. Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 37:4 and I believe that the whole Psalm 37 applies to this situation and many others that the Biden Administration has caused. I also pray, Father may we continue to press in and pray, seeking Your face for answers and may we be obedient to our assigned task You have set for us in Jesus name amen

Joan Bartruff
October 19, 2022

Father, in Jesus’ Name we know you see and look at the motives of the heart. Seems this administration is using oil, for one, without regard for anything, but their desire for power.
Lord, Your will be done as You know best. Thank You, Lord. We know You are in control.


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