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Washington, DC 20505

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Submitted Prayers (1,029) for Kamala Harris

Ron D
May 1, 2024, 11:59 am
Lord, we pray for Ms. Harris that she will repent of her inactions and Godless stances and support to lay hold of You, oh, Christ, to begin her repentance by Your Holy Spirit to move her in the direction of repentance and into blessedness.
joyce B
April 30, 2024, 6:52 am
VERY SOON YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOD AND GIVE AN ACCOUNT FOR EVERY LIE YOU HAVE TOLD, EVERYTHING YOU HAVE STOLEN, EVERY BABY YOU HAVE MURDERED, EVERY TREASONOUS ACT YOU HAVE COMMITTED. I pray you repent before it's too late. At the end, you will be instantly in heaven or hell. I pray you make the right choice while you still can.
joyce B
April 27, 2024, 6:18 am
TIME IS SHORT. VERY SOON YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOD TO GIVE ACCOUNT FOR EVERY LIE YOU HAVE TOLD, EVERY BABY YOU HAVE MURDERED, AND EVERY TREASONOUS ACT YOU HAVE COMMITTED AGAINST OUR COUNTRY. I pray you repent before it's too late. At the end you will be instantly in heaven or hell. I pray you make the right choice while you still can.
joyce B
April 23, 2024, 10:55 am
VERY SOON NOW YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOD TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT FOR EVERY LIE YOU HAVE TOLD, EVERY BABY YOU HAVE MURDERED, EVERY CHILD YOU HAVE MISLED, EVERYTHING YOU HAVE STOLEN, EVERY TREASONOUS ACT YOU HAVE COMMITTED. I pray you repent before it's too late. At the end, you will be instantly in heaven or hell. I pray you make the right choice while you still can.
joyce B
April 20, 2024, 6:15 am
VERY, VERY SOON NOW YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOD TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT FOR EVERY LIE YOU HAVE TOLD, EVERY BABY YOU HAVE MURDERED, EVERY CHILD YOU HAVE MISLED, AND EVERY TREASONOUS ACT YOU HAVE COMMITTED AGAINST OUR COUNTRY. I pray you repent before it's too late. At the end, you will be instantly in heaven or hell. I pray you make the right choice while you still can.
joyce B
April 18, 2024, 6:06 am
VERY, VERY SOON NOW YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOD TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT FOR EVERY LIE YOU HAVE TOLD, EVERY BABY YOU HAVE MURDERED, EVERY CHILD YOU HAVE MISLED, EVERY TREASONOUS ACT YOU HAVE COMMITTED AGAINST OUR COUNTRY. I pray you repent before it's too late. At the end, you will be instantly in heaven or hell. I pray you make the right choice while you still can.


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